Monday, July 5, 2010

Branding - A Historical Perspective

The Thor brand has been around for a long time. In fact, Thor celebrated its centennial just a few years ago. One of the best aspects of working for Thor is the stories that customers tell us about their classic old appliances.

Every couple of months a customer will email me with a story about an old Thor appliance found in an attic or basement. Most of these washer have seen better days, but to the people who owned them for the better part of a life, they are a source of fond memories. Some customers ask if their old Thor has any value beyond sentimental appeal. I typically refer them to Lee Maxwell and his online washing machine museum. Lee is a retired professor who has compiled the most amazing collection of historic washers on the planet. If you have an interest in old appliances, take a look at Lee's web site at

Thor also has a new Wikipedia page at or check out Thor's history page at

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